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How to Maximise Your Commercial Rental in Brighton: Self Storage and More

A big part of running a business is increasing sales and reducing overhead. Sometimes those are very clear-cut—like running a promotion for more sales or switching to cheaper cleaning products for less expenses. Other times, it’s simply about optimising what you already have. 

Commercial Rentals in Brighton


One of the largest expenses for any business is rent. Not all businesses can afford the cut-throat rates to purchase property in prime business areas like North Laine, Western Road, Churchill Square, or anywhere near the Brighton Palace Pier. So instead, they settle on rentals and hope that their business model is enough to tide them over. 

Let’s look at the numbers. 

The cheapest retail rental on the Western Road starts at £3,750 pcm and can go up to £6,042 pcm

The cheapest office rental near Churchill Square starts around £14.45 sq ft pa and can go up to £46 sq ft pa with serviced offices on the upper end. 

Things can be expensive. And why shouldn’t it be? Brighton is only a train away from London, which means it gets a steady stream of day-trippers. It has a great nightlife, plenty of cultural centers, and comes with seaside views. So instead of looking for a cheaper rental in a less popular area, maximise your commercial rental instead. 

Tips on Maximising Your Commercial Rental

Now, there are several commercial rentals out there: industrial, retail, office space, and leisure/hospitality. You have to think about what you need from each space to really make them work for you. However, for the sake of this piece, let’s focus on what can be broadly applied. 

Revamp Your Floor Layout

Even the most careful planners end up changing things over time. Why? Because reality tends to be very different from how we imagine things. 

For example, if you want to set up shop—you want to be able to showcase as many products as you can. You want people to know that you stock these items and that they are on hand. And maybe even convince them to make a purchase they normally won’t make. It’s all about the sales right?

But realistically, you know that a shop that has everything can be confusing and intimidating to navigate. Not all customers are up to the task of going through it all, and even if they are, you can’t handle a surge of customers who all need help at the same time. 

Not to mention how difficult it will be to spot missing items/ theft. Only by experimenting with certain layouts will you be able to find one you are happy with—a middle ground between showcasing your products while being user friendly. 

So, when was the last time you switched it up? 

Did you stick to your original layout 5 years ago? Are you truly satisfied with what the interior decorator did? Do you feel like there is a missed opportunity? 

Remember, revamping your floor layout is about meeting the needs you’ve previously ignored. This could mean adding a proper rest area for employees or more storage for stocks. Or keeping necessary tools in a more visible area. Adjust and adapt accordingly.

Read More: Effective Techniques to Increase Workplace Productivity

Consulting with an interior decorator might help you find clarity. And they might be 

more adept at giving you solutions that would make the space feel more cohesive. 

Consider Self Storage in Brighton

As you improve your floor layout, you will become more familiar with storage solutions. Think floor to ceiling shelves, wall-mounted pegboards, or trunks that double as a bench. But there are limits. 

Changing your layout doesn’t magically create more usable space. And sometimes more space is exactly what you need. 

Let’s go back to the retail store example. In an ideal world, you know exactly how many items to order to replenish your inventory. To be so on the nose about it that you don’t need an insane amount of storage, but also never miss a sale by being out of stock. But that just doesn’t happen. It would be better to buy more of the product and have proper storage for it. 

You could rent a larger commercial space, but that isn’t very efficient. Why would you pay for premium real estate when it isn’t actively being used? Instead consider getting self storage in Brighton, something within the city, but not the city center. You’d get the space you need, but at a more economical price. 

Self storage is not just for stores. It’s perfect for any business that needs the space. There you can keep all kinds of things, from product inventory, additional supplies, seasonal decorations and all kinds of odds and ends. With those things out of the picture, the space in your commercial rental can be used for more important things. 

You won’t believe the difference this will make in the grand scheme of things. When done right, you could create a better workspace for your employees which will improve productivity—which increases sales. Or you could realise that you didn’t need such a large place to begin with and downsize to a smaller rental—which reduces expenses. Regardless of what it would look like in the end, you’d have a more optimised system. 

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