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Used Car Boom in 2021

All across the UK, from Brighton to Grimsby, people are opting for used cars when it comes time for their current vehicle to be retired or scrapped. This is happening for a number of reasons: let us take a look at some of them:

Avoiding Public Transport

Sadly, many people who used to use public transport are now opting out. This is partially due to the coronavirus crisis, which made the idea of cramming into confined spaces with hundreds of strangers most unappealing. However, these same people do not want to invest in the expense and environmental impact of a new car: so they are choosing to buy used, or pre-loved, cars instead.

It Is Cheaper

Buying a used car tends to be much cheaper than buying new. This means that on a limited budget you will be able to access better models than you could afford if choosing a new car for the same money. Higher-end vehicles tend to be more environmentally friendly than basic models, even with a small age difference between the vehicles.

The Choice is Yours

Following on from the above point, you will have a much wider choice of vehicle to choose from as you will enjoy the whole range of make and models from your preferred manufacturer, rather than being restricted to this year’s offerings or the last few products left over from last year.

You Pay Less Tax

New cars are taxed at twenty percent – a cost that new car purchasers must pay in full. Buying a used car from the previous owner avoids this expense and can result in you getting a direct and large saving on the price you pay for your new-to-you car.

More Sustainable

Used cars are a great option for ensuring our comfortable lives remain sustainable. The fewer new cars that are needed, and the longer the existing vehicles can be kept in action, the longer the planet’s natural resources will last. You may think that your single vehicle will not make too much of a difference to preserving the world’s resources, but if you and a million or so people all have the same idea, then the benefits do begin to stack up quite noticeably!

So you can see, buying a new car is not only kinder to your pocket, giving you more choice and the option of a higher-end car than you otherwise could afford, but it is also kinder to the planet and a step towards a greener, more sustainable future! If at this point you feel inclined to seeing a few used car options then we recommend to head over to KAP Motors. You can buy used Nissan at competitive prices from KAP Motors. The Nissan range includes some amazing hybrid and eco-friendly cars that you can opt for plus there are many other brands that you can take your pick from. For details or any other query, you can call at 01273 748484 and a friendly customer representative will be sure to guide you.

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