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Christmas parties during Lockdown

Christmas 2020 will be like no other festive season experienced for generations.

Scotland’s Public Health Adviser has already warned of the need to be ready for a digital Christmas.

With the second wave of Coronavirus forcing the country into stricter levels of restrictions and the instruction to work from home where possible, the traditional office Christmas party seems ever more unlikely.

Many colleagues have been working remotely from home since March and keeping teams motivated in these isolating circumstances is no easy task.

Virtual office Christmas parties

Lighting up the corporate festive season this year is going to require imagination and ingenuity to engage staff in taking part in online activities and make it feel as fun and exciting as socialising in person.

Investing in a professional company to provide organised activities can take the pressure off employers and allow everyone to relax and enjoy a whole virtual experience with some surprises along the way.

Safe and socially distanced festive fun

Over the years, your team Christmas parties may have become repetitive and dull so the restrictions of 2020 offer an opportunity to be creative and inventive in trying a new way of celebrating.

Team Tactics offer a range of virtual Christmas events and with 24 years of experience in engaging and stimulating employees in team building events, there are plenty of options to choose from.

For an hour to two hours, teams can leave the day job behind and enjoy some lighthearted time spent with workmates, getting into the festive spirit, while still staying safe in the comfort of their own homes.

Leading the way in lockdown laughter

There are many good reasons not to give up on the office Christmas party this year. Staging a virtual event will remind your team that despite being remote you still care about their mental health and wellbeing in these unprecedented times.

Giving people something to take part in and feel part of will help raise morale and keep people motivated for those working days at home which can be lonely without the opportunity to spontaneously chat with colleagues.

Virtual merry madness

Indulge in a little merry madness and enjoy a host of Christmas games online where teams can compete against each other. Or feeling the foodie vibes? Why not join in with a Ready Steady Cook-A-Long and create some delicious dishes together?

It’s time to banish some of the doom and gloom 2020 has brought and look forward to a festive season with a twist. So if you’ve been wracking your brains how to celebrate with colleagues in these extraordinary times, a virtual Christmas party might just be the solution you’ve been looking for.


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