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What does a brand design agency do?

The brand is the set of elements that characterize a company. You will therefore deduce that a brand design agency is the place to develop these elements, make them unique and distinguishable from competitors from a visual point of view. This is why it is an core service for those who are giving life to their brand or want to renew it.

Branding experts use a variety of strategies that involve design, communication, the perception of the brand by users, current and potential customers. All of these strategies, together, strengthen brand identity and make your brand instantly recognizable.

Branding strategies

If making a brand identity means emphasizing the distinctive elements of a brand compared to its competitors, the first step for a brand design agency is to identify these elements.

In the world of marketing, USP (Unique Selling Points) are defined as all those characteristics that make your product, your service or your brand “better” than that of other companies. It could be, for example, the use of completely sustainable materials, or prices that are much lower than the competition. In short, the question to ask yourself is: why should customers choose you instead of anyone else?

The branding strategies, however, are not limited to the objective characteristics, but also make the patrimony of values, stories, emotions linked to your brand “marketable”. A good brand design agency will be able to create a long-term strategy that includes:

  • the aesthetic aspect of your brand (logo, packaging, communication channels);
  • the founding values ​​of your company;
  • the emotions your product or service arouse in customers;
  • the history of your company;
  • the unique and special value of the people who represent it.

The power of storytelling through design

If you turn to a good brand design agency, you will often hear this word: storytelling. What is it about? It is the creation of a world, the creation of a journey through words, images, emotions linked to your brand. The goal is to create a unique brand identity, which immediately makes those who see your logo or hear the name of your product feel certain emotions.

Making this happen is certainly no small job. It takes an all-encompassing strategy that creates a precise atmosphere all around your brand. The colors you use for your logo, the images on your website, every word on each communication channel must be studied to perfection to arouse an emotion in the existing or potential customer.

Think about your brand’s strength: is it a family story? Then your selling points will be family love and the warmth of traditions. Do you have an innovative project with which you dream of changing the world? All communication will have a vibrant and positive aesthetic. Does your company care about environmental sustainability? Packaging, logo and materials you use must reflect this value.

These are just small examples, but if you think about it, your brand also has something special, unique, that makes you stand out you from all the others who sell your same product. Finding it and implementing a strategy that enhances it is the work of a brand design agency.


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